PERKY AND THE BURNOUT! by FMB THE MOB published on 2024-10-24T07:22:09Z Burnout helps Liam Payne throw a party ; Perky gives Joe Budden a haircut ; the world falls apart and there's nothing you can do about it STARRING: 973tont as "Perky" @973tony Rokko! as "the Burnout" @jerzburnout SPECIAL GUESTS (producers): Ghowste SUNDAY Chiarelli! JerzBurnout ENGINEERED BY 973TONY AND ROKKO! FMB FOREVER MY BROTHERS FMB FULL MUSHROOM BINGE FMB FLICK MY BEAN FMB FREAKY MANIC BITCHES Genre Science Contains tracks World Premiere (intro) by FMB THE MOB published on 2024-10-24T07:22:07Z Perky and the Burnout by FMB THE MOB published on 2024-10-24T07:22:05Z Back n Forth! by FMB THE MOB published on 2024-10-24T07:22:03Z Where We At? by FMB THE MOB published on 2024-10-24T07:22:01Z Flat Stan by FMB THE MOB published on 2024-10-24T07:21:59Z