Silly B*stard by D.O.S published on 2025-03-09T23:21:43Z In July 1963, the First Lady (Jacqueline Kennedy) was expecting a child. As the President (JFK) and his wife enjoyed a vacation in Hyannis, Massachusetts, the Air Force set up a hospital room at the nearby Otis Air Force Base, prepared in case the First Lady needed it. Somehow, news leaked that the Air Force had spent over $5,000 (equivalent to nearly $40,000 in 2014 dollars) refurbishing the room. This information was published in the Washington Post on July 25, 1963. The President was furious upon seeing the story. He immediately picked up the phone and called an Air Force general at the Pentagon. The exchange was recorded by the White House's telephone taping system, preserving the conversation for history. Genre Electronic