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Song a week 2025 #4
- Dorian Mode
- "How Did You Know?"
This started with some chord progressions and the chorus came up, kind of non-dorianish, and various bits of verses and a bridge came in with some of the dorian-ish progressions.
I usually write lyrics first, so this was different. It's more cohesive than I thought it would be... Although it doesn't make perfect linear sense, It's still a song.
It's basically reflective of the angst of going through a month everyday since January 20th, with general disconcerted musings.
Trigger warning - It includes some vague imagery of a disturbing situation.
I really like the melodic phrasing (and rhyme pattern) in this one. Expert stuff.
@jamestristanredding Thanks, it was a very different process for me, starting with attempts at a Dorian progression and letting bits and pieces emerge - I really didn't know if it would be cohesive after all that.