The Connexion Men: Cardboard City by Urban Cows/ Connexion Men published on 2011-02-16T21:40:14Z The Connexion Men: Cardboard City. Roger Hawes (Guitar and Vocals), Keith Willett (Drums), Robin Cheek (Bass, Keyboards and Backing Vocals). Genre Postpunk Contains tracks Observer Status by Urban Cows/ Connexion Men published on 2011-02-16T21:40:14Z Today by Urban Cows/ Connexion Men published on 2011-02-16T21:40:14Z Back Room by Urban Cows/ Connexion Men published on 2011-02-16T21:40:15Z Move!! by Urban Cows/ Connexion Men published on 2011-02-16T21:40:15Z Willow Man by Urban Cows/ Connexion Men published on 2011-02-16T21:40:15Z