The After Party by Scumklub™ published on 2024-06-03T14:33:53Z The newest entry into high-tech minimalism, DJ Freakuency presents The After Party EP. Relatively still a newcomer, but with the production output of a respected veteran, John Power is continuing to lay the musical groundwork for a long and prosperous multi-faceted career in the arts. A multi-instrumentalist from a young age, he grew up singing and playing the Tin Whistle alongside using a Keyboard. This early interaction with music became the perfect schooling for his now highly regarded experimentation in electronic music. Experimentation with sound design, audio production methods and music-making techniques led DJ Freakuency to style, shape and steer his sounds in many new, interesting & unique ways. Surprise after surprise becomes the sonic motto throughout this EP, with twists and turns galore adding to the excitement of a previously unheard masterpiece in minimalistic music. Strap in for a joy ride of huge auditory magnitude as DJ Freakuency’s 4-tracker brings you up, down and all around. M is for minimalism. credits Released June 3, 2024 Written & Produced by J. Power Artwork by J.Power. Digitally Mastered by LANDR Copyright © ℗ 2024 Scumklub. All rights reserved. Genre Techno Contains tracks Fun In The Bathroom by Scumklub™ published on 2024-01-09T14:54:41Z Do You Have A Key? by Scumklub™ published on 2024-01-10T18:18:47Z F** Me, I'm A DJ by Scumklub™ published on 2024-01-11T16:01:21Z 10 For 60 by Scumklub™ published on 2023-12-16T18:58:49Z