Cemetary Connection <3 (blunkq + oakea) by Samsara published on 2024-08-31T06:53:57Z lyrics π»πͺ¦πΈοΈ Okay its getting late Ur window i contemplate Knocking on ur front door Sneaking in like a teenage whore You can sit on my tombstone Honestly ur hella cute tho Im an underground freak ho Dont scream if i reach though I lay still even though i love ur eyes Find a hole to dig for your body Daily motions caught me moving oddly Cryptid creature, i am such an oddity Its so late into the night The sun will rise in another 5 Your face is pale under moonlight I like this jail, it feels right You and I, at the gravesite Worms and bugs crawl thru the cracks Coffin nails, rust and wear, train tracks Often frail, must beware ur vain laugh Okay its getting late Ur window i contemplate Knocking on ur front door Sneaking in like a teenage whore Omg, and oh my lord Im begging u for an encore On the stage ur white dress With red stains ur red stains Beuatiful pretty face I need u ti stay in olace I direct i smell the sage Get in my mind keep me safe Okay its getting late Ur window i contemplate Its so late into the night The sun will rise in another 5 Your face is pale under moonlight I like this jail, it feels right Genre Soundtrack Comment by Altnoize23 Great tune! 2024-09-23T19:32:46Z Comment by Archive95 ππ 2024-09-06T01:13:55Z Comment by g5iive π€ 2024-09-06T01:12:10Z