Foidforeskin Disstrack

incel rap

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You’re so basic it’s a pity
What a surprise you love sex and the city
Evil should’ve known from the posts bout hello kitty
Two faced demon call that shit p diddy

You brought it on yourself and you know it’s true
Don’t blame me it’s on you

Keep smoking them cigarettes
Think of me when you get cancer and are full of regret
Once you lose the face card you’ll have nothing left
Gonna wish you picked that incel addicted to ket

You brought it on yourself and you know it’s true
Don’t blame me it’s on you

You’re such a nice girl I should be sorry
Not like you’d jump me
For calling you pretty
Did it really make you insecure
Cause it seems like you’re a narcissist to the core

chose to overreact to a simp on an inkwell forum
By the way your music taste is so fucking boring
Tiresome rap and Lana del rey
I never wanted you anyway
predictable and bland can’t match my freak
You don’t deserve this beta male geek
Henry Cavill reposts what happened your misandry
Mustve fucked yourself up with weed
Don’t think you even understand the books you read
Comprehension impaired
Fuck you for looking so good it’s not fair


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