41. Serena Smith-Williams: How to Detox Your Home by Happiness through Hardship published on 2021-03-16T23:32:57Z How often do you clean your home or clean-up your products? Have you ever considered a home detox? This week's episode on "Happiness through Hardship" - The Podcast, holistic health expert and author Serena Smith-Williams shares how to detox your home one step-at-a-time. Whether you’re looking to spring clean, toss your toxic products or create healthier habits, she's the healthy living expert you need. Serena is a fitness expert, massage therapist and holistic health practitioner who specializes in inspiring people to live healthier lives. She’s created a community, Simple Holistic Girl, providing resources and information toward holistic health and non-toxic living. On this episode we talk detox practices, toss-the-toxins challenge and our favorite clean and green products. She and I even laugh over our love for Dr. Bronner's, easy-to-install water filters and healthy living apps. Serena and I met virtually through wellness circles years ago. Both Pretty Wellness (my brand) and Simple Holistic Girl (hers) share similarities in that we want to inspire people to look at wellness holistically - not just one area - but many. Serena is filled with motivational information and I’m thrilled that shares her knowledge on this episode. SHOW NOTES Simple Holistic Girl: https://www.simpleholisticgirl.com Toss the Toxins Challenge: https://www.simpleholisticgirl.com/5-day-toss-the-toxins-challenge-day-5/ Helpful holistic guides: Healthy Checklists, Smoothie Cookbook, Essential Oils 1010: https://www.simpleholisticgirl.com/shop/ Aquasana Claryum Direct Connect Water Filter: https://amzn.to/2Qdsni4 Think Dirty app: https://www.thinkdirtyapp.com/ Environmental Working Group / Healthy Living app: https://www.ewg.org/apps/ NASA Clear Air Study(info on plants:) https://www.healthline.com/health/air-purifying-plants The Grateful Game: https://PrettyWellness.com/igtv CONNECT with Serena Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/simpleholisticgirl Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheSHGBlog Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simpleholisticgirl/ CONNECT with us: www.PrettyWellness.com/podcast - for more information on the podcast episodes www.PrettyWellness.com/cancer-resources - easily accessible cancer information www.Instagram.com/prettywellness - for daily wellness tips www.CarynSullivan.com - for more information Our Social Media: www.Instagram.com/prettywellness www.Facebook.com/PrettyWellness www.Twitter.com/PrettyWellness To Buy the Book: Happiness through Hardship - The Book: amzn.to/39PAjuT To Donate a Book to a Cancer Center: PrettyWellness.com/book Genre Storytelling