What‘s Behind Mix by Fugist published on 2024-06-04T16:15:02Z Booking: Adibnaj@gmail.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/fugist1?igsh=ZHd…Nl&utm_source=qr 1. It Should Be Working - Nørbak - HYS004 2. Danger or Threat - Lewis Fautzi - Irrational Fear of Failure 3. Why Are You Holding a Gun? - Oscar Mulero - The Stranger 4. Fabrications - Lakej - Nerve Control 5. Conscious - CRAVO - Eternal Paradox ??? 6. The Zone - Temudo - Shapeless 7. Ferramenta - Nørbak - Ferramenta 8. Da Papps (Mix2) - Temudo - Shapeless 9. Regra - Nørbak - Ferramenta 10. Cloud Seeding - Nørbak & Temudo - HYS005 11. 2600 - Juan Atkis & Moritz von Oswald - Transport 12. Flap Head - Aphex Twin - Digeridoo 13. Innervision - CRAVO - Eternal Paradox 14. Spirit Moves - Altinbas - Spirit Moves 15. Torment - CRAVO - Eternal Paradox 16. Disruption - Lenny San - Terra 17. Page 1 - James Ruskin & DVS1 - Chapter One 18. Rap Over This - Temudo - Shapeless 19. Digeridoo - Aphex Twin - Digeridoo 20. The Eco System Track - Temudo - Shapeless 21. Chekhov's Gun - Nørbak - Verdade Absoluta 22. Pampomaniac - Temudo & VIL - HYS005 23. Toilet Rush - Alarico - Carnal Fever 24. The Sweat and the Salt - Oscar Mulero - The Stranger 25. Ponto De Situacao - Nørbak - Verdade Absoluta 26. Would it Be - Charlton - Tar 15 27. Domain - CRAVO - Eternal Paradox 28. Confused - Lewis Fautzi - Irrational Fear of Failure 29. Calm Your Drift - Charlton - Tar 15 30. Phloam - Aphex Twin - Diregidoo 31. Expansion - Lenny San - Terra 32. D is for Dissonance - Temudo - Shapeless 33. The Slip - VIL - HYS004 34. Isoprophlex - Aphex Twin - Diregidoo Genre Techno