Podcast #37 : Tiago Santos (Acid techno)⚡


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Tiago (@tiagotechnohead) est un collectionneur de vinyles brésilien passionné, qui se concentre sur les sous-genres de la techno : Acid, Hard et Funky. Sa passion pour le DJing et la production de musique électronique l'a amené à participer à de nombreux événements au Brésil, dont Techno Route, Fervo, Substance Techno, Cosmic 303, Under Division et Mind The Gap. Il a également cofondé le projet Teknopolis avec Kadro et Le Calve.

Au niveau international, Tiago a présenté son son unique au Royaume-Uni, en Pologne, en Colombie, en Italie et en Espagne, en s'inspirant du collectif Stay Up Forever. Sa musique est sortie sur des labels renommés tels que Stay Up Forever, Stay Up Forever Limited, Cluster, Abusive 303, Planet Acid Techno, Open Source, Soundsmash, Keep On Techno, Techno Route Records, Acid Lab, Wicked Bones, Scum Like Us, Maximum Minimum, Interruption Records, Acid Test Recordings, Rebeltek Recordings, Filth Infatuated, Pounding Warehouse, 24/7 Recordings, Impact UK, Resilient Records, Hydraulix Records, Underdivision, 303 Alliance Remix, WahWah Recordings, Caustic, HyperRave, Anarko Tekno, Tense Recordings, Missing Objects, Many Birds, Acid Addicts et le célèbre label sud-américain Southside Records, qu'il co-gère avec ses proches collaborateurs Marcio M et Acid Chochi.

Quelques pseudonymes utilisés par Tiago : TiagoTechnoHead, TTH, Bombatek, Case & Tars, Christ on a Bike, Triple Drop, The Big Guys et The Southside Warriors.


Tiago is a dedicated brazilian vinyl collector, focusing on Techno’s subgenres: Acid, Hard, and Funky. His passion for DJing and electronic music production has led him to perform at numerous events in Brazil, including Techno Route, Fervo, Substance Techno, Cosmic 303, Under Division and Mind The Gap. He also co-founded the Teknopolis project alongside Kadro and Le Calve.

Internationally, Tiago has showcased his unique sound in the UK, Poland, Colombia, Italy, and Spain, drawing inspiration from the Stay Up Forever Collective. His music has been released on renowned labels such as Stay Up Forever, Stay Up Forever Limited, Cluster, Abusive 303, Planet Acid Techno, Open Source, Soundsmash, Keep On Techno, Techno Route Records, Acid Lab, Wicked Bones, Scum Like Us, Maximum Minimum, Interruption Records, Acid Test Recordings, Rebeltek Recordings, Filth Infatuated, Pounding Warehouse, 24/7 Recordings, Impact UK, Resilient Records, Hydraulix Records, Underdivision, 303 Alliance Remix, WahWah Recordings, Caustic, HyperRave, Anarko Tekno, Tense Recordings, Missing Objects, Many Birds, Acid Addicts and South America’s renowned Southside Records, which he co-manages with close collaborators Marcio M and Acid Chochi.

Some aliases used by Tiago: TiagoTechnoHead, TTH, Bombatek, Case & Tars, Christ on a Bike, Triple Drop, The Big Guys and The Southside Warriors.


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