CI13 VA // SONIC THEATER Compiled by M.Ecko

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Sonic Theater is the wish to offer an evolutionary hitech. Mixing aerial, spatial, melodic, acoustic, ethnic and pop phases, here is a hitech with a strong cinematographic accent and a powerful story telling : that's ADN Cinematic ! Sonic Theather is more than 3 years of work with no less than 15 artists in 13 different countries mixing a new wave of young talent and artists from the biggest labels in the world. Bright without being too bright, here is a compilation that brings a distinct universe from track to track for a hypersonic journey of 170 to 200 BPM. If traveling through space at the speed of light were possible, here is a work that would perfectly accompany your cockpit !

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Mastering : Biolab Studio
Cover : Ghashghaie
Compiled by M.Ecko