(I Wanna) Steal Yo Dogs by LMNōP published on 2025-03-11T22:17:26Z "(I wanna) Steal Yo Dogs" - (Psych/Pop) - [Themed] r/songaweek submissions - week 10 - Phrygian Mode Em Phrygian - a song about my destiny as a dog thief. progression: (F, G) C, Am, Dm F, C, G C Em, G, Am Dm, F, C, G (repeat) I want to steal your dogs. Human Words: I wanna steal your dogs I wanna take em to Bangladesh I want to capture your animals Take em to the far far east And hang around With criminals Stealing your dogs I'm gonna take em to the Ay-Em-See (AMC) movie theater And watch, watch some flicks In Saudi, Saudi Arabia Oh yeah I'm gonna steal your dogs I wanna take em to Tinseltown get better deals on my concessions, my confession to make; I want to steal yo dogs oh yeah I wanna steal yo dogs I wanna take em down to car-nee-vall (Carnival) in Rio De Jinero fetching mucho dinero for some stolen dogs oh yeah (musical funtimez *pant, pant*) I wanna steal yo dogs I wanna take em on escapades drive around in my Escalade take em for a long long drive with the windows down to Tinseltown stealing your dogs I wanna take em to the Bee-Bee-See (BBC) radio station just imagine their elation with me I want to steal yo dogs oh yeah (warm wordsong soup) (soulful outro): I'm gonna steal your dogs I'm gonna give em a loving home gonna give em a new milkbone make em feel so comfortable oh yeah Genre Alternative Rock