Skin Market by HY?NO published on 2025-02-13T05:38:43Z "I had to get this out of my system before it became something worse. Before the rage fermented, curdled, and turned me into one of them. The EP is five tracks of pure animosity—unfiltered, unholy, unforgiving. A surgical extraction of hate before it metastasized. It is not art. It is not entertainment. It is a purge. I feel like there are people in rooms deciding how much suffering the world can withstand before it collapses, and they’re betting against us. I feel like the oligarchy of nazi fucks has already won, and the rest of us are just waiting for the moment they turn the volume up on the violence. I feel like every time I blink, another person disappears, and everyone else pretends not to notice. I had to get this out before it consumed me. Before the hopelessness calcified into submission. Before I let them win. We are at war, and this is the only weapon I have left." - HY?NO Genre Electronic Comment by Court of Pan This is fuckin killer man I had a similar reaction to what is going on and recorded something along these lines gotta drop it on here though. 2025-02-24T19:20:48Z